Robin Blair has spent her career inviting children and their families to explore arts as an expression of beauty and faith. To nurture one another with love and respect is to claim hope. To express hope through the arts is to realize its beauty. Let's play!
Contact Robin today for workshops and speaking engagements.

Music ~Ministry ~Media

Robin Blair, with lifelong friend, artist Lydia Boddie-Rice, created this book to help children and families talk about loss through story. Get to know Violet and her grandparents in their loving relationship to see if it helps you talk about the spiritual matter of loss as a part of life in your loving relationships.
#1 Best Seller on Amazon
"Sweet children's story about grief over the death of a precious family pet. I love how the grandparents encourage their granddaughter to share memories of her cat. These lessons may be applied to the loss of special people, too."
Karen ZH

Singer, Songwriter, Producer
“A love for children and for entertaining, Rev. Robin Blair has learned to combine her two loves with a little spirituality to create award-winning music!”
– Nicole Hawley, Rome (NY) Sunday Sentinel
"My daughter sings and dances along to your music. Since we received your music, I listen to it more than my daughter. It cheers me up and brings out the kid in me.
– Maryann Healy, Buffalo, NY
As ordained clergy in the UMC, Robin has been serving people in various ministry contexts to share what is good between us.
Media literacy as an act of spiritual care stands in resistance to the commercialization of childhood through advertising and target marketing to children that exploits their vulnerability. You can help your children and their families learn to live in a media saturated culture and still hold on to a developing identity in positive character values and the the joy of contributing to the common good.
Her graduate education following a BA in Music, includes Master of Theology and the Arts, Master of Divinity, and Doctorate of Ministry in the Spiritual Care of Children and Families through Transformative Leadership. Her continued area of research and practice is how families love and nurture one another in daily living, AKA, spiritual care.
For information about Robin's Media Literacy Seminars, please call or email. Brochures for Robin's workshops can be downloaded by clicking on the following links:
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Media Literacy is...

...the ability to communicate completely in all media forms, print and electronic; to access, understand, analyze and evaluate the powerful images, words and sounds that make up our contemporary mass culture.
Robin Blair offers 2-hour seminars in media literacy for parents, clergy, youth pastors, and care providers or those seeking ways to maintain faith and hope central in their lives within a media-focused culture.
“Thank you for bringing some light to a confusing world of media choices. Our parents were completely engaged by your presentation. We learned that we can be hopeful when media is often so violently presented to our children."
– Rev. Dick Barton, Marcellus, NY United Methodist Church

turning to sound, Robin helps children develop their voices as leaders and those
who contribute andshare in the common good
In 2008, Reverend Doctor Robin Blair, Executive Director and Founder of Common Good Radio™, began this digital ministry to fill a need:
digital life seemed empty of
faith formation for children.
She prayed to invite children to arts as expression of faith through the place children were appearing by the thousands – digital culture. She devotes herself to this interactive, web-based ministry where faith formation is lived inside and outside the walls of a faith community building and the voices of children are heard; the Internet is a mission field. As a media professional and ordained clergywoman, she is called and qualified to stand in the center of the project.

Blair and the Common Good Radio™ advisory board believe music invites people to participate in the transcendent. Their devotion to providing a contemporary interactive voice for children and their families is unparalleled and ground breaking.
Not only is the music on Common Good Radio™ age-appropriate, hip, fun, hopeful and faith supportive, Common Good Radio™ does not accept commercial advertising dollars. Rev. Blair uses her awareness of advertising impact statistics on children, consumerism and well- being; stating “For example, the average American 8-year old kid has been exposed to over 7500 food ads alone per year, which according to a recent Yale University study and common sense, adds to the illness and obesity in children in the USA today; 69% of parents are concerned about ads and their kids.”
These statistics are evidence of not only physical, but spiritual harm to our children and us. As stewards of the spiritual lives of children, we cannot support this negative trend. We are driven by Mark 9:42, If anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around his neck. At Common Good Radio, we see how the children, due to their vulnerability, are exploited; this is a social justice issue and we offer Common Good Radio in resistance to the exploitation. We offer Common Good Radio as spiritual nurture.
Common Good Radio™ educates families about the messages media sends and creates media that offers alternative healthy, heartfelt, and caring choices, so they can make faithful choices in consumer culture.
Common Good Radio™ is a forum for addressing social justice issues. As 1 Corinthians 12:7 says: Now to each one the manifestation of the spirit is given for the common good.
Common Good Radio™’s philosophy, and manifestation of the spirit, embraced by the virtual audience, unites the worlds of cyberspace and lived experience in spreading the need for media literacy for families immersed in today's media culture. Common Good Radio™ does more than share the language and skills of media literacy with others; it creates digital media for children that provides a healthy alternative to the violent, sexualized, advertising-driven media that they are exposed to on a daily basis.
Common Good Radio™ fills a need parents have when looking for music/media options that offer positive messages. Listeners in over 60 countries are tuned in to the blessings of Common Good Radio™.

Find us at commongoodradio.org
and our playlists on Spotify !
"Your music will make a contribution to the music education of children."
-Dr. Richard Gunow, Eastman School of Music
“I thank you for participating on our national gathering in Los Angeles, Calif. Your presentation on ‘Violence in Media’ was an eye opener for hundreds of people. I heard positive feedback from everyone I spoke with.”
– Julie Taylor, director of children, youth and family advocacy of the United Methodist Church Women’s Division, Washington, DC

The ministry that I share with people nationwide is that we can live a life of faith without feeling we have to compromise it on a daily basis in the modern world. I bring to you my experiences and interpretations to help lessen the media noise that competes for our attention and understanding of God.
Through this call, I have been given unique opportunities to create, produce and host award-winning radio and television programs, write national advertising jingles, sing (one of my gifts and passions) in shopping malls, baseball stadiums, churches and even Vegas showrooms; and record four CDs just for children.
I have been blessed to serve as clergy in the United Methodist Church and as an adjunct faculty at seminary, as well as spread my message through faith-based web sites celebrating the joy of family.
Now my focus combines these rich experiences, a love of music and an appreciation for family life with my first-hand knowledge of media into a unique ministry that allows me to serve God where faith meets popular culture.
I believe that love, respect and hope can be heard over the roar of popular music lyrics, advertising and the violence found in movies and video games. It is with this message in mind that I invite you to share this unique perspective through my faith-based presentations on media literacy and the family, as well as the children’s music that helps to support my ministry.
It is my hope that together we can treat one another with respect, promote justice, love mercy, walk humbly, and most importantly, embrace the blessings of children and family.
With blessings,
Rev. Robin Blair
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